Event report of “Vivliostyle User/Dev Meetup Spring 2023”

(The original article is 「Vivliostyle ユーザーと開発者の集い 2023春」開催報告 in Japanese)
Link to the day’s program and video
- Part 1: Reports from Users
- 13:00-13:10 (10 min.) : Explanation of the purpose of today’s meeting (Katsuhiro Ogata) (movie)
- 13:10-13:40 (30 min.) (Taiyo Fujii) : Vivliostyle for use with VS Code (movie)
- 13:40-14:10 (30 min.) (Yuichiro Ohtsu) : Let’s play with printing more in commemoration of the publication of “Vivliostyle: Introduction to CSS typesetting”! (slide, movie)
- 14:10-14:15 (5 min.) Break
- Part 2: Report from Vivliostyle
- 14:15-14:45 (30 min.) (Katsuhiro Ogata) : Travel essay co-edited and printed on demand at Vivliostyle (slide, movie)
- 14:45-15:15 (30 min.) (spring_raining) : Vivliostyle CLI Updates and New Vivliostyle Themes (slide, movie)
- 15:15-15:45 (30 min.) (Shinyu Murakami) : The latest evolution of Vivliostyle.js (slide, movie)
- 15:45-15:50 (5 min.) Break
- Part 3: Discussion
- 15:50-16:30 (40 min.) May Dev Meeting (movie)
- 16:30-16:40 (10 min.) Closing (Shinyu Murakami) (movie)
Summary of each presentation
- Vivliostyle for use with VS Code (Taiyo Fujii): Mr. Fujii is not only a science fiction author, but also the author of novel-writer, an extension for writing novels in VS Code, an extension for writing novels in VS Code. In addition to the introduction, he explained how to use Vivliostyle to create EPUB and PDF files from Markdown using Pandock, while actually operating a PC.
- Let’s play with printing more in commemoration of the publication of “Vivliostyle: Introduction to CSS typesetting”! (Yuichiro Ohtsu): The author of the critically acclaimed Vivliostyle Explanatory Book introduced the theme of “What you can do with CSS typesetting” while showing actual CSS code and screens.
- Travel essay co-edited and printed on demand at Vivliostyle (Katsuhiro Ogata): A color album of private world travels was converted into a book using Vivliostyle and printed. The issue with Vivliostyle.js that emerged was that the output results differed depending on the operating system (a workaround was reported later and has now been resolved).
- Vivliostyle CLI Updates and New Vivliostyle Themes (spring_raining): The committer who made major modifications to the Vivliostyle CLI and Themes to solve the difficulty of customizing CSS, which has been an issue for Vivliostyle, explained the details of the modifications himself.
- The latest evolution of Vivliostyle.js (Shinyu Murakami): In closing the event, Representative Director Murakami summarized the results and issues reported thus far, and reported on Vivliostyle’s future direction and its development plans.
- May Dev Meeting: Using the issues raised on the day as material, the speakers and committers discussed future issues for Vivliostyle.