Getting Started

Vivliostyle currently consists of two products. This page will show you how to use it. In addition, we will also present a new service that is currently in alpha.

Vivliostyle Viewer v2.31.1

  • A browser-based formatting engine that reads HTML and displays the results of the typesetting in the browser.
  • 💡To use Vivliostyle in a local environment, the recommend tool is Vivliostyle CLI, which includes the Vivliostyle Viewer. 👉Vivliostyle CLI User Guide
  1. Use Vivliostyle Viewer
  1. Page view to fit window size

  2. Page view by fixed size

For more information about Vivliostyle Viewer, see Vivliostyle Viewer User Guide.

Vivliostyle CLI v8.18.0

  • CSS typesetting on the command line with output to PDF.
  • PDF/X-1a output supported by merging PRESS-READY in v2. Ghostscript and Xpdf are required for this feature. See PRESS-READY for more information.
  1. How to install

    • You need to install Node.js prior to using it.
    • It can be installed from the npm package.

    Vivliostyle CLI will be released as an npm package. Also, Node.js must be installed.

    $ npm install -g @vivliostyle/cli
  2. Create PDF from HTML

    • On the command line you can use the build command to specify an HTML file to convert into a PDF file typeset with CSS.

    In the Terminal command line, run it with your HTML file to output PDF file with CSS typesetting. There is also a preview option.

    $ vivliostyle build index.html
  3. Preview

    • With the preview command, you can check what the results would look like.
    • Use -h to see details of the usage. Also check the help help [cmd] for each command.
    $ vivliostyle preview index.html

For more information about Vivliostyle CLI, see Vivliostyle CLI User Guide.

Vivliostyle Pub (Alpha version to be released in April 2022) v0.0.0

  • This is a web application that allows you to use Vivliostyle without installation.
  • You can enter and edit text / Markdown / HTML in the left pane and preview the typesetting result in the right pane.
  • An alpha version is now available. Click here for more information (Sorry, still only in Japanese).