Presentation about Vivliostyle at JEPA seminar

On June 15, 2021, at the invitation of the Japan Electronic Publishing Association (JEPA), Shinyu Murakami and I gave a presentation on Vivliostyle. The following is the record (Japanese only).
- Announcement Page 1 (JEPA) あしたのVivliostyle:オープンソースCSS組版システムがつくる未来
- Announcement Page 2 (Kokucheese)
- Presentation Video (YouTube)
- Presentation slide: Vivliostyle:オープンソースCSS組版システム (Shinyu Murakami)
- Presentation slide: Vivliostyleの利用事例と普及戦略(Katsuhiro Ogata)
The summary of the presentation was as follows: Shinyu Murakami gave an overview of CSS typesetting and the Vivliostyle project, and then I reported on the following five use cases with demonstrations.
- 1. An example of typesetting an illustrated article on the Web as if it were a paper magazine->Complex typesetting with “EPUB Adaptive Layout” (EAL)
- 2. Examples of publishing and distribution in multiple formats from a single source->Rapid publishing for public health books against COVID 19
- 3. An example of CSS typesetting of manga expressions in a commercially published paper book->『そろそろ常識?マンガでわかる「正規表現」』の制作
- 4. Example of Visual Studio code plugin to output vertical PDF->novel-writer
- 5. Example of distributing documents to mobile bases scattered around the world->Vivliostyle Pub
Of the above, we were not involved in the development of case 4, and it is a case where the user found and used Vivliostyle on their own. We were happy that he had chosen our products. I wanted to take this opportunity to help promote it, even if only a little. Please take a look at the video demonstration.